Transition To Leadership
GM Group’s overall strategy is very much focused on long-term outcomes. As such, we place a huge emphasis on organic growth and the development of our people. We abide by the saying, “The company can never outgrow the people”.
Our ‘Transition to Leadership’ programme turns the ordinary into the extraordinary by equipping our people with entrepreneurial excellence. GM Group’s commitment to its investment in developing its members reaches a global sphere. In order to achieve global impact, our perspective and investment have to reflect a global mindset. Therefore, our partners of choice include globally recognised institutions for entrepreneurial excellence, such as London Business School and INSEAD.
The business principles which we abide by are also reflective of a global mindset. We rigorously test well-established business principles to see if they are a suitable fit for our people and our companies. Such principles include Lean Six Sigma, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Leadership principles taken from ancient Japanese military to modern-day America.